Monday, September 27, 2010

Movie Magic

"Movies mirror us and invite us to go beyond the obvious. Their themes and images can powerfully equip us to see ourselves as we are at our worst, and at our best, or to help us invent new scripts about who we hope to be... Everything placed in our path can help us... Certain films- like certain lovely people, glorious works of art or music, and special instances of prayer- seem a grace expressly given for our edification."- Marsha Sinetar

Movie Meditation

"I use movies to replenish my creative well- usually videos, which we watch on the weekend. I crave period films with lush sets and costumes for my visual fix, rely on comedies for relief from stress, and seek out black-and-white mysteries and romantic classics from the 1930's and 1940's for sheer escape. I collect movies about angels, reincarnation, the afterlife, and everlasting love. I won't watch scary movies or films with senseless violence- nor should you, because once an image is imprinted on your consciousness it's there forever. I think we all need the uplift provided by films that inspire, encourage, affirm, and celebrate the human spirit.

Meditatively matching your mood to a movie is very restorative and rewarding."- Sarah Ban Breathnach- August 26- Simple Abundance

Movies Can Empower

"Good movies make you care, make you believe in possibilities again."- Pauline Kael

"Studying movies for their mystical message empowers us. We gain insight and greater self-awareness."- Marsha Sinetar in her book Reel Power: Spiritual Growth Through Film.

"Movies elevate our sights, enlarge imagination. Film, like poetry, is one of our heart's most subtle agents. It reminds us of what we know, helps us stretch and change, provides us with a sensory catalyst for creative, cutting-edge change."- Marsha Sinetar

Reel power is "the ability to dig out, and use, whatever is spiritually valuable in a movie."- Marsha Sinetar