Sophie, the main character, is on a pre honeymoon in Italy with her fiance Victor. They both decide to site-see separately one day, because Victor is a chef exploring the many tastes of Italy in the vineyards, while Sophie is more fascinated by literature and writing.
On Sophie's list of places to visit is the house where Juliet lived in Verona (Yes, Juliet as in THE Juliet from Romeo and Juliet). And Sophie is surprised by what she sees. On the wall outside the house, there are dozens of letters written by women, and all the letters are addressed to Juliet. Some of the women are sitting on the steps writing and shedding tears onto their paper, from the emotions they are revealing to Juliet, but writing none the less.
Sophie is intrigued and follows a group of women carrying a basket full of the letters. These women call themselves Juliet's secretaries because they respond to all the letters on behalf of the legendary Juliet. While picking up some letters off the wall herself, Sophie comes across a letter written fifty years ago. It was written by a woman named Claire, who was too afraid to fight for her love because she knew her family would disapprove, yet she shares her story with Juliet in her writing.
Sophie decides to write back to Claire and thus, the tale begins... a story of perseverance, passion, being guided by intuition, having faith in destiny, but also doubting destiny.. feeling defeated by it because you think it's "letting you down" at times, it is not coming through the way you hoped. But most of all, the tale is about never ever giving up on love. After fifty years, Claire hasn't, and it's all because of Sophie's letter.
"Doubt thou the stars are fire. Doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar. But never doubt my love," a line from Shakespeare's Hamlet (I believe) was quoted in a scene in the movie.
Those words, as archaic as they may be now, still pull at my heartstrings... reminding me of what I really feel deep down inside: that no matter what I've gone through in relationships, and heard about from friends' relationships- the heartaches, the betrayals, the bitter sweet loves and the mysterious ones that have just disappeared without closure- I will always, always, always believe in Love, the true and real kind. It's scary, it's painful, it can make you crazy and angry and confused sometimes, and test you as a person, but real love is worth believing in. I just know it is. It has to be. It's out there, somewhere. In fact, I think I felt it at a time...
But God knows I haven't given it my all sometimes. And maybe that's why I understand the what-ifs. I have had that feeling of wondering, or imagining what could have been. And I don't always know how to tell if it's just simply curiosity and whimsical daydreaming- just reflecting on a "not-meant-to-be" experience, or if it's a sign that I should have acted on it, or should still act on it...that I should say something and dare to see what will happen next.
"Now, I just want to tell him that I'm sorry that I was such a coward," says Claire. I could really feel for her. I know I've had my own cowardly moments, where I didn't say all that I wanted to in a relationship, didn't risk looking like a fool for love, or where I didn't fight as hard as I could have for love. I hope I do in the future.
My friend Diane (or writer Lucy Smiles) said it so well today when she shared her own experience: "I used to keep one foot in and one foot out of my relationships because I was too afraid to commit, too afraid to trust. I wanted to make sure I had a way out, if I needed."
I smiled because I could flashback on times when I did exactly the same. But that's when

But how do you know when a what-if is just a moment of nostalgia, of bitter sweet reminiscing, compared to a what-if that is calling to you to act, to go for it without looking back? How do you know the difference?
This idea of what-ifs, and the aching of what could have been... reminds me of India Arie's song "These Eyes". In it, she describes a lost love or a relationship that never fully developed as "the greatest story never told": "Of life's many mysteries, what intrigues me the most... is who our children would have been, I guess we'll never know. Even as I walk away, I'll always keep the hope..."

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