But surprisingly, there seemed to be less of a love story in this and more of a life story- many life stories, actually. I think the movie was more about forgiveness- of others and yourself and about mistakes, accidents, and coming to terms with unexpected turn of events. It's about moving forward and making the most of what you've got. I'd like to retitle it Life Happens, because the main character, Burke Ryan, played by Aaron Eckhart, is struggling to make sense of, or go on with his life after the tragic death of his wife.
He turns towards helping others sort out their problems, giving them tools on how to overcome their hurt and pain, but all the while covering up the reality of his own grief and guilt. Even after hearing others, seeing and

He is reminde
d that admitting to the anger, guilt and pain of the situation is not only okay but also necessary in the healing process. The emphasis on the importance of honesty towards oneself in the move is inspiring and refreshing.

This movie takes place in Seattle. It was great to recognize a slam poet- (known as Spelt?), who frequents the Vancouver open mic venues in one of the scenes in this movie!
And okay, so the movie wasn't filled with gushing, passionate romance, but a little bit of love, and the hope and potential of new love, was definitely present.
Love Happens? Of course it does! You better believe it. I still do!